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Executive Council

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Highlights from the 2023 Executive Council Retreat

EC members reflect on how to best support The Carpentries as a multicultural organisation by expanding our thinking and discussing power and privilege.
Konrad Förstner
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Announcing the 2023 Executive Council for The Carpentries

Join us in welcoming the newly elected Executive Council members!
Konrad Förstner

Election Nominees for the 2023 Executive Council

Help shape The Carpentries – Information about Community Elections for the Executive Council
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Aufruf für Kandidaturen für den The Carpentries Executive Council (Vorstand) 2023

Nominierungen für Mitglieder, die von der Gemeinde und vom Executive Council gewählt werden, sind möglich
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Call for Candidates for the 2023 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Convocatoria de candidatos para el Consejo Ejecutivo de Carpentries 2023

Ya está abierto el llamado a candidaturas para los puestos elegidos por la comunidad y por el Consejo


Executive Council Communications Committee

The Executive Council Annual Retreat for 2022

In this blog post, the Executive Council Communications Committee highlights events and learnings from the annual Executive Council Retreat
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Executive Council Key Activities Report

Reporting period: August 2021 to January 2022 (inclusive)
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Announcing 2022 Executive Council Elections

Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023…
Paula Andrea Martinez

Announcing the 2022 Carpentries Executive Council

Please join us in welcoming the new and returning members of the EC.
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Executive Council Key Activities Report

Reporting period: February 2021 to July 2021 (inclusive)
Paula Andrea Martinez

Election nominees for the 2022 Executive Council

Help shape the Carpentries – Information about Community Elections
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Announcing 2022 Executive Council Elections

Nominations are now open for four Executive Council (EC) positions to join for two year terms 2022-2023 effective 1 February, 2022; two community-elected and two Council-elected
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Introducing the new Executive Council Standing Committees

Read on to learn more about the context and responsibilities of the new Executive Council Standing Committees
Lex Nederbragt
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

On the governance of The Carpentries

We are clarifying the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Council
Konrad Förstner
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Announcing the 2021 Executive Council for The Carpentries

Here are the members of the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council
Konrad Förstner
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Election for the 2021 Executive Council

The election period for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council opens Monday November 30
Image for Executive Council Executive Council
Juan Steyn

Call for Candidates for the 2021 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
Amy Hodge
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Executive Council Officer Elections for 2020

Announcing officers elected to The Carpentries Executive Council for 2020
Kate Hertweck
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Election for the 2020 Executive Council

Image for Executive Council Executive Council
Tracy Teal

Call for Candidates for the 2020 Carpentries Executive Council

Nominations are now open for community-elected and Council-elected positions
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Catching Up on Executive Council Policy Making

Here's an update from The Carpentries Executive Council about recent and ongoing work, and with links to relevant resources
Amy Hodge
Raniere Silva
Tracy Teal

Financial Updates

Planning for The Carpentries' financial sustainability
Image for Executive Council Executive Council

Executive Council Officer Elections for 2019

Announcing officers elected to The Carpentries Executive Council for 2019
Raniere Silva
Tracy Teal

2018 Community Service Award Winners

Thanks to the award winners, sorted by surname, Tim Dennis, Margareth Gfrerer, Toby Hodges, Fotis Psomopoulos, and Malvika Sharan.
Kate Hertweck

Election for The Carpentries’ Vision and 2019 Executive Council

2019 ballot description and logistics
Raniere Silva

Nominate a member to Community Service Award before 19 November

Deadline is next week. Do not miss the opportunity to recognise members contribution
Tracy Teal
Chris Erdmann

Library Carpentry Is Now Officially a Lesson Program!

On 1 November 2018 the Executive Council approved Library Carpentry as an official Lesson Program
2018 Executive Council

Announcing 2019 Executive Council Elections

Nominations now open for community-elected Executive Council positions.
Raniere Silva

Nominate a Member You’ve Noticed Working Extra Hard in 2018

2018 Community Service Awards - Call for Nominations
Kate Hertweck

Help Shape the Governance of Our Community

Request for Comment on The Carpentries Bylaws
Kate Hertweck

Mission, Vision, and Bylaws for the Carpentries

The Executive Council has been working on revising and solidifying the mission, vision, and bylaws for The Carpentries
Sue McClatchy
Amy Hodge
Maneesha Sane

No More Self-Organised Workshop Fees

Executive Council moves to eliminate Self-Organised workshop fees
Karen Cranston

Report from 2018 In-person Executive Council Meeting

Executive Council met to discuss mission and vision of The Carpentries
Raniere Silva
Lex Nederbragt
Mateusz Kuzak

Executive Council 1st 2018 Tertile Report

Executive Council 1st 2018 Tertile Report: Bylaws
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