Home> Blog> Introducing The Carpentries Gratitudes Series

Introducing The Carpentries Gratitudes Series

The Carpentries is a community-led organisation. All year round, community members work diligently to equip each other with relevant skills and create welcoming spaces, both online and offline, for resource sharing, discussion and collaborative work.

This year, our community’s dedication and values have been epitomised through the ideas, strategies and outputs from Carpentries sub-communities like the Maintainers, Regional Coordinators, Trainers, Instructors and Helpers; and through committees and Task Forces like Instructor Development, Code of Conduct and CarpentryCon 2020 organisers; and by way of individual contributors that facilitate and sit in for our community calls, write blog posts and documentation and take part in initiatives like The Carpentries Tagathon and ongoing Internationalisation efforts. This list is in no way exhaustive, and one blog post would not be sufficient to shine a light on, and thank our community for all the ways they have made The Carpentries what it is in 2019.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Marcus Tullius Cicero

For this reason, in the month of December 2019, through what we are calling The Carpentries Gratitudes series and fashioned after our #greenstickies practice of highlighting things we are grateful for in The Carpentries, we want to afford community members and The Carpentries Team the opportunity to reflect on interactions with one another, and to spotlight their achievements and lessons from serving on different committees and being a part of various sub-communities in The Carpentries.

What are You Grateful For? Let Us Know!

There will be plenty of stories for you to read as part of this series in December, and you are welcome to share yours [in issue 23 in our Conversations repository](https://github.com/carpentries/conversations/issues/23) as we go along, or by tweeting yours using the [#greenstickies hashtag](https://twitter.com/hashtag/greenstickies) on Twitter. Should you prefer to write a long-form post about your experiences, you can use [these set of prompts](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Lm8xj3iUZG9GRWXH9NtVO84r-Vmzjlh3ixHguNCfsGk/edit?usp=sharing) to kick off your blog post draft for our gratitudes series, [share your draft with us](https://docs.carpentries.org/topic_folders/communications/guides/submit_blog_post.html#sharing-ready-to-publish-drafts) and we will publish it on our blog.

Happy days!

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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