Home> Blog> Interim Steering Committee Meeting: Dec 16, 2014

Interim Steering Committee Meeting: Dec 16, 2014


  • Greg Wilson (Software Carpentry Foundation)
  • Katy Huff (University of California - Berkeley)
  • Neil Chue Hong (Software Sustainability Institute)
  • Damien Irving (University of Melbourne)
  • Tracy Teal (Data Carpentry / Michigan State)
  • Jenny Bryan (UBC)
  • Carole Goble (U. Manchester)
  • Kaitlin Thaney (Mozilla Science Lab) joined late


  • Adam Stone (LBL)


  • DI to get example of personal services contract for GW from Mozilla Science Lab.
  • GW to get example of personal services contract for GW from NumFOCUS.
  • GW to draft blog post on how to stand for election and what being elected will involve based on DI's outline.
  • GW to ask if NumFOCUS staff can act as returning officer for Jan 2015 election.
  • GW to circulate names of other potential Advisory Council members.
  • GW to circulate list of current members of Software Carpentry Foundation.
  • KH to check consistency between document describing Steering Committee roles and other documents.


  • Establish interim budget committee consisting of JG, TT, and KH with GW attending as Executive Director
  • Approve guidelines for election drafted by DI
  • Adopt Steering Committee roles outlined by KH:
    • Chair
    • Vice Chair
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
  • Amend Governance document to allow co-opted appointed members of the Advisory Council drawn from the wider community by amending clause 5 to include the additional sub-clause:
    The Advisory Council may decide to co-opt additional persons to the Advisory Council from the wider community at any time, with a default term of one year. The number of co-opted members shall not exceed the number of partners and affiliates represented on the Advisory Council. Co-option shall be done by majority vote of the Steering Committee.


  • Next meeting date: Jan 6, 2015
  • Establishment of interim budget committee
  • Discussion of proposed budget for 2015
  • Focus on recruiting affiliates
  • Challenge: arranging extra sustained coordination effort for arranging workshops
  • Steering committee election
  • Discussion of nomination and voting process drafted by DI
  • Discussion of guidelines for nominees drafted by DI
  • Discussion of need for a returning officer
  • Discussion of invited members of the Advisory Council
  • Defer inviting people to join AC until we know who's standing for election
  • Discussion of Steering Committee roles
  • Defer discussion of Advisory Council roles to next meeting

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